

The American emphasis on consumerism, and the resulting waste from the disposability of mass produced material goods has been the area of intrigue and inspiration for my work.

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The American emphasis on consumerism, and the resulting waste from the dispos­ability of mass produced material goods has been the area of intrigue and inspi­ration for my work for almost 10 years now. The abundant accu­mu­lation of detritus from consumption is evident of a slow-motion cata­strophe in progress. I am horrified by it and yet also drawn to it with fasci­nation and wonder. The never ending cycle of consumption can appear astound­ingly bleak, gruesome, oddly comical and even darkly beautiful.

The perva­siveness of consumerism holds a seductive kind of mob mentality. We are collec­tively committing an immea­surable and unsus­tainable act of taking, but each of us is anonymous and no one is accountable for the conse­quences. I’m afraid that in this process irre­versible harm will be done to the earth and to our indi­vidual spirits.

I too am a consumer and am part of this cycle of affairs. My aim is not to lay blame, but if this complex question is brought to our attention, perhaps we can turn inward and ponder a means for a solution, or an awareness of our actions.

My hope is that my instal­la­tions, mural scale drawings and sculp­tures, may serve as a gateway to a kind of cultural self-inquiry. It may not be the most comfortable terrain, but I believe that in risking self-awareness, at least we know that we are awake.

Recycled plastic detergent bottles, wire, charcoal and acrylic on paper and mapping pins

varies according to place and space

I began a committed love affaire that lasted from 1998 – 2004. And a flir­ta­tious affaire that lasted until 2008. Who knows if the affaire is now over…